Plants play a prominent role in our life Trees inhale Carbon dioxide and various other harmful gases and exhale Oxygen which is needed for human beings to survive .with out plants no human being can survive their life.
Stills days across India illiteracy is also one of the major problem. 75 % of people in our country are living their lives in the villages only. Most of the villages are illiteracy. Especially in tribal families their work is to cutting trees, to lead their lives due to lack of awareness
It is good to hear govt, & some more ngo’s are creating awareness conducting campaigning in protecting environment This is a good initiative and must be encouraged in order to make people aware about the importance of tree plantation but the result is reverse.
The cutting of trees is increasing the cost of tree based products and depriving birds and animals of their food and habitat, and impacting ecosystem. Trees also help in perpetuating the water cycle by returning water vapor to the atmosphere. Cutting of trees is creating imbalance resulting in increase in pollution, global warming and erratic rains. Grapes had conducting awareness campaign a special drive at tribal villages , school children and public about the importance Planting trees. Trees provide a natural habitat for a variety of species. A rich biodiversity and healthy ecosystem revitalizes the land and life on planet earth.
In every month 3 times grapes had conducting these types of campaign and distributing commercial saplings to the involvers every time. Our grapes cbo will visiting door to door once in a week to know about the growth of a sapling at the house with eco friendly manner.
Since human beings have excessively exploited trees in the last two centuries after lifestyle inventions, the importance of tree plantation has become top priority in the present days. grapes still interact with the people working in this project continuously giving eco voice about Tree plantation helps to sustain nature and maintain the dignity of human life on the earth.