Our efforts to meet the health care needs of the poor and downtrodden
GRAPES Health initiatives work to improve the access to quality healthcare services for the poor and downtrodden communities. By identifying the root causes of healthcare challenges, we work at the individual, community, and systemic levels to develop new solutions and help initiate quality healthcare services. The scope of our work includes improving of maternal and reproductive health, child health and nutrition, and early identification and treatment of communicable diseases.

Feminine Napkin Drive

Now a days population is increasing in the same way disease are also increasing in same manner. In India 70% of people who are living under poverty they don’t having basic needs on health. One of the major source of good health in the earth is water , nutrition food, living in safe environment. But in our country 70 % of people living their life’s at slums, etc. basically they don’t have education & they don’t need to take care about their health lack of awareness & financial problems. Since independence our country strides on health sector.
Our country had conducting health camps where it necessary but people in the under privileged unable to utilize the campaign why because people living in tribal , slums etc are basically very poor they can notify the campaigns but unwilling to lose a day in attending the medical camps conducting by someone. Health problems for under poor which is despread need that is going to unaddressed everywhere. But in some extent some of one unknown kind hearted persons in the society addressing & doing their service in this type of location it will be appreciable.
GRAPES had concentrating especially unreached villages in slums, tribal & coastal belt grapes serving poor with conducting two methods of service in health campaigns one is their doorsteps for the needy & remaining is that conducting health about & basic needs which may be near and easy to utilize for needy. In that manner GRAPES had conducting health campaign still in unreachable villages with providing free medical campaign.
GRAPES connecting people & creating an hospitality environment unique that seeks to address problems of mobility, accessibility and availability of primary healthcare needs with a special focus on children and women, in tribal, slums, coastal and remote rural areas in Andhra Pradesh